Metadata Hootenanny News
- December 17: version 2.1 Subtitle improvements: uses native movie resolution, auto-updates as sub files get edited. Added shortcut to copy current playhead time to text. Added keyframe jump shortcuts (k and K forward and back respectively). App now remembers tracks view alterations across restarts. Fixed unresponsiveness when opening a large number of files. Fixed lock-up when deleting sprites in sprite editor. TV.com compatiblity updated.
- August 3: version 2.0: Added support for iTunes-native metadata in mov files. IMDB compatiblity updated. Added web compatiblity auto-updater. Subprocesses converted to Intel native (for image previews, wired sprites, and flattening movies). Added sprite features (on-idle trigger, enter/exit fullscreen, close window, sprite move, scale and opacity actions, sprite transparency, and text images) and bug fixes. Added support for QT auto- play, fullscreen, close and quit settings. Add support for track transparency. Added support for poster frames. Added "uninstall" option (app menu). Added customizability to playback keyboard shortcuts. Fixed bug in reading chapters with trailing null characters (eg written from Final Cut).
- November 7: version 1.9 Added GUI for adjusting track "frame" position. Added AutoVolume option (like dynamic range compression on crack). Added option to save chapters text files in MKV/OGM chapter format. Added threading to file saving. IMDB and tvrage compatiblity updated. Fixed bug causing dvdxchap crashes when reading DVDs. Fixed bug preventing chapters track setting after saving a reference movie. Fixed bug where copying all metadata ignored "Year" field. Fixed minor bug reading mov chapters written from other apps (with unicode text encoding).
- June 21: version 1.8 Added workaround so that Perian subtitles are used for all file types including mov and mp4. Added visual indicators for commands in fullscreen. Added support for thetvdb,com. Added chapters support for arbitrary websites; it doesn't check that it knows it just checks for chapters. All drag-and-drop from websites can now be done with copy/paste as well. Added menu commands for Play->Faster and Play->Slower. Play->Size menu items are now commands instead of settings (they make their changes immediately). Fixed bug where ctrl-click was different than right-click in movie views. Fixed bug where some movie views didn't respond to keystrokes.
- June 8: version 1.7 Sound volume can now be increased up to 125 times louder than QT Player allows(!) using the up arrow key; the MH control element is limited to 4x; as with all QT plugin apps, the standard QT movie controller can go up to 3x by holding "shift" while clicking it. New toolbar item to control movie playback speed. New control widgets during fullscreen playback. When there is no cover art, the movie image can now be taken live from the current movie frame instead of the icon. Row height adjustment has a new up-front widget (for easy picture size control). "Year" category is now compatible with multiple language entries (like the other categories; "Year" is special because it is an addition from the newer QT7 metadata formula and is not backwards-compatible with QT6). Cursor now re-hides itself in fullscreen after mouse movement unhides it. Mouse actions in movie views (including scrolling) are now customizable in preferences. IMDB and tv.com compatibility updated. Bug fix that caused a crash when saving if certain characters (like angled aposhtrophe) were read from the internet (wrong text encoding). Bug fix that caused the playhead slider to be displayed in the wrong place after being resized. Bug fix that caused the miniature window (green window button) to have non-functional widgets. Bug fix that caused "continue playing on exit fullscreen" preference to be ignored. Offline movies no longer lose their place when "played" offline.
- March 16: version 1.6.2 Cover art/image is now stored in iTunes-compatible format instead of my home-brewed "APIC" format. IMDB and TVRage copmpatibility were updated. New QT metadata category "Year" now supported. Fixed bug that prevented reading metadata from movies.
- March 11: version 1.6.1 Accented characters can now also be saved to movie files in addition to simply entered (d'oh.)
- March 11: version 1.6 Cut/Copy/Paste in movie view is now enabled. Tracks can now be rotated through the tracks view. Production code value of "Unknown" is now ignored. Added "Image" column for viewing icon/metadata images. Row height is now adjustible. Smart playlists are now accessible through the search toolbar item. IMDB compatibility updated. Bug fix: endian problem that prevented reading existing movie metadata on intel macs not using Rosetta. Bug fix: accented text entry inside table-views. Bug fix: left arrow key during playback. Bug fix: remember table configuration and font size on restart.
- December 25: version 1.5 Files are now opened with QTKit, providing pitch-corrected fast forward, and better "save-in-place," which is now more reliable and supports all movie properties, not just metadata and chapters. However, opening of files can no longer be threaded because QTKit is not thread-safe when compatible with 10.4 (the interface will be frozen while opening movies). Website screen scraping criteria was updated. Support was added for tvrage.com. Movies now display "Loading..." while downloading and parsing website info. Indication was added for when weblinks dragged in are not (yet) supported. Getting chapters from the web now merges with previously existing chapter times (not names), if any. Bug fixed where angled quotes in metadata (from web lookups or otherwise) prevented movies being saved. "Allow editing chapter times" switch works again. Other minor bug fixes.
- October 5: version 1.4 Various OS-update-induced interface bugs have been fixed. Web searching has been removed (just the searching, not the parsing of the found page), in favor of the user dragging their desired found webpage into the app (and screen scraping criteria have been updated again). File saving now supports UTF8 string file names (sorry I overlooked that for so long, accent-using people). DVD reading got a little polish.
- October 12: version 1.3 Batch edit metadata, bug fixes.
- July 15: version 1.2 Universal binary. Chapters lookup allows choosing which movie title to see (thank you Jan Devos)
- February 19: version 1.1.4 Dropping image on multiple selected movies adds it to all. Fixed a bug that sometimes displayed movies at 0x0 after movie properties were changed.
- February 18: version 1.1.3 File sizes are truncated to 2 decimal places. Movie window is Dock aware when resizing.
- February 16: version 1.1.2 Adding movies no longer updates table columns. Fixed a bug causing major instability when table columns with numbers or dates are visible.
- February 15: version 1.1.1 "Info" view categories are sorted first by QTPlayer "Info" view sorting. Metadata text that exceeds the 255 characters displayed in QTPlayer are colored blue before the limit and red after it. Main table columns remembered when library isn't. Some right-click options implemented for main table (movies, not playlists).
- February 13: version 1.1 autocomplete for track language setting. tvtome searches should no longer return mysterious and non-functional "here" result. epg/tvt errors are slightly more informative (they've always indicated that no data was downloaded, not that the search was bad somehow. now they just say that). "Full Name" is sorted to the top of the Info view, since that's where it ends up in QTPlayer.
- February 3: version 1.1b34 adding sprites no longer makes mysterious windows appear. new sprite action: Rotate(degrees). sprites can start invisible and can have actions on other sprites (SetVisible, Rotate). fixed a crash on opening files that aren't valid (like .DS_Store files) introduced in 1.1b30. Option to set standard "regulars" for tv series web lookups (useful for shows that change cast like SNL or Alias, or who's EPG/TVT entry is just plain wrong). Adding sprites no longer creates duplicate chapter entries or modifies the source file.
- January 22: version 1.1b33 new app icon. Sprite editor previews transparency. Sprite drag-resizing improved. New sprite actions: SaveTime, GoToSavedTime, SetSelection, SetSelectionByChapter, PlaySelection, SpriteNamed, SetVisible (for SpriteNamed). Sprite script auto-completion now checks grammar and only suggests things that are valid (mostly).
- January 17: version1.1b32 auto-completion in sprite q-script editor. Almost all right-click situations explicitly check for control-click as well (in the movie view I can't accept left-click events for some reason). Fixed a bug that prevented exporting some playlists to text.
- January 12: version 1.1b31 sprite editor option to increment the action of a sprite when duplicating (the next consecutive chapter, language or menu page). movie changes that will not be retained through app relaunches are disallowed for offline movies (although I probably missed a few). Support for setting OnFrameLoad, OnMouseEnter and OnMouseExit sprite actions. Bug fix: sprites failing to be added when the source movie was non-mov.
- January 9: version 1.1b30 smart playlist criteria for chapters and other text tracks. "live" smart playlists. fix for TVTome searches not working.
- January 8: version 1.1b29 Bug fixes for smart playlists. Support for drag and drop of images into sprite editor.
- January 4: version 1.1b28 Smart playlists (edit in the Play menu). This includes folder syncing. Go to Next/Previous chapter with opt-arrow (with movie view in front). Better strategy for making looping background movies for sprite menus (one sprite at the end does both jumping back to the front and setting the rate to 1, instead of a sprite on each end). Add tracks from other files by dragging them (the files) into the "tracks" view table (added in a recent version, don't know which). Also more properties are editable in the "tracks" view.
- December 28: version 1.1b27 Multiple user data of each type now works (the ui is the same but now they are actually added to the movie when saving). Also unrecognized metadata (like if you type any random thing into the Add Column box) is now saved under the tag '©MTH', so at least metahoot will be able to read it later (before it was just discarded without warning). Changing of track properties like Video FourCC (also the High Quality setting) has been moved to the Tracks pane. Multilanguage support for images improved. Option to mute during ff/rw (un-mutes when finished only for normal ff/rw, not the option-button increasing kind).
- December 24: version 1.1b26 Support for Timecode and Source Name metadata in movie files. Multiple chapter tracks are remembered better across restarts. Multiple image metadata is now supported on purpose (turns out it was adding images before each time you put in a new one, but never removing them).
- December 4: version 1.1b25 Icons are compared against alpha layer of default QT document icon before display. Icon adding to flattened movies fixed. Crash on changing to next movie (automatically) fixed. QTPlayer "Info" categories are bold in MH "Info" view. Mid-edit table cell resizes no longer update internal data, or cause re-ordering in Info view. Esc exits editing table cells without changing data.
- November 6: version 1.1b24 Cover Images are now stored in movie metadata under the ID 'APIC' (in addition to the file's icon), in the format of the ID3 v2.4 specification. My code for this can be found here: APIC.c, APIC.h.
- October 22: version 1.1b23 Bug fixes for interface and language problems revealed by the previous update.
- October 18: version 1.1b22 Info window sorts used fields at the top. System-wide language priorities used in main view.
- October 17: version 1.1b21 Fix for IMDB and compressed pages not working, added Rating category.
- October 4: version 1.1b20 Fixes for recent B&N html change, playlist column width ugliness and resizable search field
- September 26: version 1.1b19 Fixes for some interface inconsistencies and a crash when looking up chapters online for a movie that's not available.
- August 29: version 1.1b18 Blockbuster/B&N style chapter text files now support sub-second accuracy.
- August 21: version 1.1b17 Chapters lookup switched from blockbuster to barnes and noble. several minor interface bugs fixed.
- July 15: version 1.1b16 fix for new IMDB download issues
- June 13: version 1.1b15 chapter table bug fixed in itunes-double-click mode. choosing dvd chapters erases previous extraneous chapters. dvdxchap failures logged.
- May 31: version 1.1b14 table cells auto-adjust. "copy from..." button for metadata
- May 16: version 1.1b13 small bug fixes
- May 2: version 1.1b12 mini window on resize button (when "in main window" play mode is not set). Ref movies are now saved with the chapters in the ref movie instead of altering the source movie (unfortunately that means the ref movies are resource fork based again).
- May 2: version 1.1b11 Sprite window Update Movie now cancel-able, and progress bar updates with correct values. Option to automagically add audio files found in same folder when opening (if all files have exactly 1 track and audio files end in .mov or .mp3)
- April 29: version 1.1b10 Saving only recreates the save-to folder if it's needed. Opening the save window selects the first movie if none is otherwise selected. Chapters lookup crash fixed, and search results made more clear. Movie Controller toolbar item rearranged
- April 19: version 1.1b9 Rewrote sprite image creation routine. Now supports all QT-friendly image (and first frame of movie) formats. Also fixed white-only transparency color bug. Added sprite wizard confirmation dialog if it's going to delete any sprites. Added "check for new version" menu item (Application menu). Fixed Blockbuster image download bug.
- April 13: version 1.1b8 Contextual menu for movie window with useful things. Chapters pane also supports the double-click-play-movie preference. Play button opens selected movie if movie window is closed. Chapters are offset to reflect added sprite menus.
- April 10: version 1.1b7 Chapters (popup menu) button now scrolls current chapter text. Show/Hide standard movie controller now a preference and menu item instead of automatic.
- April 2: version 1.1b5 More interface consistency (pressing shuffle overrides sorting, return key to re-edit no longer beeps, movie controller is set to first movie on launch, chapters pop-up window checks current chapter, table column highlighting is correct more often), jump-forward and back buttons in Movie Controls (hopefully soon to be option-amajigged), shows monitor icon for the playing movie, and you can double-click the Order column to jump to a movie.
- March 28: version 1.1b4 Bug Fixes: less use of word "dummy" in chapters pane when no movie is present (hopefully less == no). Finds files that have been moved or renamed. Features: playing movie is now independent of selected movie. Primary playlist order remembered through shuffles and sorts.
- March 27: version 1.1b3 Bug Fixes: mistakenly setting the movie display size to 0x0 on movies with large video tracks. New Features: Limited support for qscript (sprites). Cmd-up/down changes capitalization in table view cells.
- March 22: version 1.1b2 Bug fixes: crash when removing movie from multiple playlists. chapter name-cruft added to source file again, but only when saving (apparently the cruft has to be added somewhere, and when it's added to a temp file and you save a reference or in-place movie then you become dependant on that temp file). crash on 8-bit chars from imdb (see "green mile"). importing qt text files now reads correct timeScale if not 30 or 1000 (still doesn't read lines that have {} notations for each entry though).
- March 21: version 1.1b1 Bug fixes: chapter name-cruft no longer appended to source files (I had no idea!), fixed a case where editing table values might not register. New Features: Movie Window qt-controller no longer shown when iTunesy controller is visible. Movie Window constrains to movie proportions unless Shift is held. FF and RW buttons switch to fast-faster-fastest mode when option is held (I just discovered how to receive modifier key events). Persistent "Library" playlist contains all open movies (and movies are now draggable between playlists). Copy-to-all-languages result now shown in table view (Info pane).
- March 18: version 1.0.1 Option to save files in the same folder they came from.
- March 15: version 1.0 many many bug fixes, many many interface enhancements. Sorry I can't list them, I just can't count that high.
- February 1: version 1.0b8.10 I've been neglecting to record changes in the past few weeks, but this one is important: I'm still halfway through overhauling the EPG/TVT lookup, so it may or may not work in this version. Use previous versions for that feature.
- January 17: version 1.0b8.7 fixed bug that added one invisible character ('\0') after all the metadata; it was only read by QT though. Added animated column sorting. Integrated "editing pane" into the main tableview, and other auto-complete related bug fixes.
- January 8: version 1.0b8.5 fixed bug with editing values containing /'s. Fixed bug with adding sprites with backgrounds from movie frames in DiVA 1.1 sourced movies.
- January 7: version 1.0b8.4 new file saving routines. fix for TVTome parsing
- January 4: version 1.0b8.3 movie backgrounds for Sprites now supported. All sprites with actions now have gloved-hand-cursor rollover actions. Sprite editor "quick-sprite" mode and right-click setting of sprite actions implemented. More iTunes interface theft. Fix for PAR movies from DiVA 1.1 (by track matrix instead of track dimensions); this also fixes movies whose persistent display size was changed in QTPro's Properties -> Size window. Option to auto-delete redundant credits from web sources. Chapter tracks are preloaded. Option to preload sprite tracks (on per-size basis). Chapters that come out longer than the existing movie are now trimmed. TableView values are truncated for easier reading
- December 14: version 1.0b7.5 genre is now parsed from IMDB (don't know why I didn't notice that there before). Removing things key commands replaced by delete (with a warning, cmd-delete without). fixed bugs: main window view toolbar item jumping to Info view didn't update tableview data source, non-english language data was not written if english data was for the same category, imdb searches with only one result all used the same preview image, html escape codes didn't work for non-admin users.
- December 10: version 1.0b7.3 fixed another recent bug with metadata being saved incorrectly.
- December 10: version 1.0b7.2 fixed bug that prevented track selection sprites from working on tracks that weren't named before opening. Use of sprite template files (.mhsprite) now supported. Fixed recent bug that removed metadata before saving if other languages were selected.
- December 6: version 1.0b7 save-in-place, and other file-saving touch-ups. New iTunes-like controller, and playback in the main window option. All-Metadata and Get Info consolidated, and also put in the main window. All-Metadata now supports different content for different languages. IMDB downloads no longer display if another movie was selected since the download started.
- November 30: version 1.0b6 chapters are correctly updated in the movie after searching (in the web window) or restarting the app. Delete key now removes a column if it is selected (and if the table view is key). Sprite window no longer resizes itself larger than the screen. Sprite images are recreated after changing movie selection or restarting app. Sprite wizard now retains pre-existing background pictures.
- November 30: version 1.0b5.7 right click on table column headers to add/remove columns. Sprites now carry preview images of all three states. Sprites can be resized by dragging their edges.
- November 29: version 1.0b5.6 monitor selection is remembered, brushed metal is the default, and no longer flashes an aqua window before starting with metal.
- November 28: version 1.0b5.5 added ability to change Video FourCC and Video Vendor. Use with caution. Added transparency option for sprites, and fixed the unconnected buttons in the sprite editor (since b5.3)
- November 27: version 1.0b5.3 new layout for the Sprite Editor, and some bug fixes for its gui, plus the "duplicate" button
- November 26: version 1.0b5.2 fixed a bug with rectangular-pixel movies in the sprite editor. added names to sprite tracks created. back to "lossless" compression.
- November 25: version 1.0b5.1 fixed a bug with with chapters from the web being added without their titles (or not being added if you're in the Chapter Editor)
- November 24: version 1.0b5 fixed a bug with audio and text selection sprites not working if the tracks were not named before opening (in the General tab of QT's Movie Properties). changed file saving code (hopefully to no effect) to use less cpu while saving. Sprites can be moved in the editor using the arrow keys. Sprites are still compressed with the Animation codec, but now with "normal" quality instead of "lossless" quality.
- November 19: version 1.0b4 fixed bugs with setting chapters from the old chapter download pane and with going back to those chapters for more movies. Cleaned up Editing splitview a bit. Added button/option for removing all sprite tracks before adding new ones
- November 14: version 1.0b3 fixed bug with sprite editor and setting sprite actions. added boolean search (- and ""). moved "edit" field from drawer to splitview. fixed table refresh bug in Save window
- November 7: version 1.0b2 buttons are disabled in the background. web searches stop when window is closed. fixed bug involving downloads from epguides.com and compressed pages. sprites selected in editor are outlined even if they already have an image. DVD chapters are scaled correctly.
- Oct 22: version 1.0b1 wired sprite menus actually work because they're in their own process now. IMDB lookup now works in Panther thanks to CURLHandle. Chapters window expanded, with more options. Chapters now sorted by time before being added. IMDB and BB.com screen scraping rewritten with replacable plist files for future website updates. Movies now saved with CreateMovieStorage so long-named-files are not copied after saving. GUI updates from threads are now thread safe (hopefully).
- July 4: version 0.41 tableview improvements, editing drawer and chapter automation, sprite wizard multithreading, sprite transparency bug fixed, compressed movie headers, fixed crash when reading chapters from partial/incomplete files, fixes for data categories not exported to TAB, rearrange lists by drag and drop, DVD and movie summary interfaces improved, interface for auto-complete values created
- May 30: version 0.38 wired sprite fixes, wizard (no track selection), option for text tracks and gotopage in interface
- May 28: version 0.37 Wired Mutha Fuckin Sprites, Biatch
- May 16: version 0.36 fixed bugs regarding interference from non-text metadata, and image buffer for timeline. Many small interface improvements
- May 15: version 0.35 fixed bug with EPG/TVT search causing crash, introduced in 0.33 or so
- May 14: version 0.34 Bugs fixed: chapter editing is auto-saved again, row selection bug with double-click-play-movies on, drag to window when brushed metal is turned on. Improved chapter table enter key behavior. Added auto-complete in Editing drawer. Smarter whitespace trimming in web lookup results. Option to scale chapters imported from text files to movie length.
- May 7: version 0.33 Support for all text metadata categories, not just the ones defined by Apple. Apple's categories are identified by four-character-codes (FourCCs) like '©cmt' for comment and '©nam' for name. The FourCC for any text data is supposed to start with ©, so now you can enter (and read) your own categories, and if they start with ©, MetaHoot will write them correctly to the file. If you open a file with a non-standard category and it is not displayed automatically, add a column for it by typing the code in the "Column" box. The Macintosh keyboard shortcut for © is option-g. Codes are case-sensitive of course.
- May 5: version 0.32 Fixed Bugs: crash on launch if prefs weren't exactly right, playback freeze after 1 second if no movies were loaded during launch. New: option to skip chapters containing a specified string (case-insensitive, 2 chapters max per movie will be skipped. intended for "credits").
- May 3: version 0.31 Timeline workaround for QT unthreadsafety. Offline movies can be shown in gray. Playlists can be opened and saved in xml or tab. Playlists and Download Cache now saved in separate xml documents.
- April 22: version 0.30 limited language localization support, cocoa toolbar
- April 10: version 0.27 code overhaul, timeline view, "try again" for bb search, several bug fixes
- March 18: version 0.26 fixes for icon preview, multiple playlists, read DVD chapter times with dvdxchap
- March 9: version 0.24 Icon download from IMDB, several minor bug fixes
- March 6: version 0.23 sheet for jump-to (thanks to Jan Devos), chapter editor in window (option), epguides/tvtome flexible to skipped episode numbers (example: seinfeld), TVTome results now read regular performers, fullscreen mode can now jump to next in playlist (like windowed mode could do), custom icon for saved files (option), option for the insane chapter table selection stuff, save directory now remembered
- February 15: version 0.22 web window makeover, incl TVTome and threading. Esc key only for exiting full screen (option).
- January 30: version 0.21.1 bugs fixed: changing brushed metal option no longer disables dragging to the window or causes a crash when switching to MH from another app while the main window is closed. Restored improved (by Jan Devos) totals field
- January 28: version 0.21 brushed metal interface option
- January 27: version 0.20 interface things: warning if file is not writable, double-click opens movie. thanks to Jan Devos.
- January 23: version 0.19 Chapter import bug fixed. BB lookup no longer limited to DVD search. various interface changes provided by Jan Devos.
- January 20: version 0.18 Hide cursor in full screen, high quality flag, better fullscreen sizing control.
- January 19: version 0.17 Giant internet bug fixed! less crashing! hopefully! plus little preview of SMIL interactive menus. for now it just creates a very basic sml document that will be erased when MH quits if you're not carefull. not very impressive. text only.
- January 18: version 0.16 Full Screen aspect ratio, multiple monitors, default row coloring, floating window options
- January 16: version 0.15 Go To Time.... Closing main window no longer quits app
- January 14: version 0.14 chapter text import bugs squashed (probably not all of them, but...)
- January 14: version 0.13 metadata summary window, colored rows, ui feedback while opeing files during launch.
- December 29: version 0.12 menu rearrangement, merge downloaded data with existing
- December 24: version 0.11 new features: Show In Finder, Get Info drawer
- December 21: version 0.10.6 blockbuster chapters can be scaled to match the length of the movie. cmd-arrow and opt-arrow quicktime shortcuts restored.
- December 19: version 0.10.5 blockbuster search now ensures results actually have chapter times listed.
- December 18: version 0.10.3 fixed crash when searching IMDB. I honestly have no idea how this got by before, and how IMDB ever worked before. But it has worked. And now it works again. At least for me it does.
- December 18: version 0.10.2 chapter display times now in min:sec format. chapter text import of blockbuster format off by one chapter now fixed. Chapter internal storage overhaul. Chapter data might be saved now automatically
- December 16: version 0.10.1 chapter text import now understands copied text from Blockbuster chapters
- December 14: version 0.10 new feature: Blockbuster.com lookup for chapters
- December 14: version 0.9.2 bug fixes: IMDB entries should now be cleansed of "(more)" and "(view trailer)", (IX) etc, and the ends have spaces clipped. new feature: open chapters text files.
- December 11: version 0.9.1 bug fixes: Album now works for epguides lookup. file naming on save bug introduced in 0.8.5. Director-gibberish-IMDB bug introduced god knows when. Hopefully less crashing altogether while using the internet. New feature: open streaming movies
- December 2: version 0.8.5 bug fix: chapters text export. New movie properties: A/V bitrate, audio channels, sample rate, video fourcc and vendor, natural resolution, file path.
- November 25: version 0.8 new movie property: FPS (frames per second). New feature: Audio Track Manager lets you switch and rename audio tracks on the fly.
- November 13: version 0.7.7 bug fixes: symlinks should now be honored in all cases. Recursive loops of symlinks shouldn't be a problem, but that feature is untested because the finder prevents stupid people from creating recursive loops with symlinks anyway, and testing the feature is a complicated headache. Also fixed a case in which a tv episode with no guest stars would display the guest stars from the next episode that had guest stars (as in the Simpsons this week).
- November 10: version 0.7.6 added support for another kind of EPGuides guide. My prototype show for this was Dinosaurs. There seems to be a bug that will crash the app after looking up 10-20 episodes (which prevented me from parsing all the episodes from one page at one time). I'm still looking for the cause (this bug has always been present, AFAIK).
- November 5: version 0.7.5 Some more options in the prefs, plus I think I fixed the random crashing while using the IMDB search.
- November 3: version 0.7.4 EPGuides lookup of the Simpsons works great! Some other shows work as well (The Practice seems to work). Support for other shows will be forthcoming.
- October 30: version 0.7.3 Bug Fixes: An editing drawer-related bug, black borders in Full Screen now work normally. New Feature: Web lookup. Searches IMDB.com and EPGuides.com for your movie/tv episode and automatically fills in metadata (you choose from a list of choices). This feature is highly experimental right now, and any successful searches (and uses of the feature not crashing the program) are purely coincidental. It's more like a proof of concept
- October 24: version 0.6.5 more sophistimicated search doohickeys
- October 23: version 0.6 Interface fixes/enhancements
- October 22: version 0.5.2 Fix for a bug added in 0.5 that disabled the search function and one of the preferences widgets
- October 21: version 0.5.1 Full Screen now honors the movie's natural aspect ratio, instead of scaling it to the screen
- October 20: version 0.5 Full Screen finally works! there might be a few bugs with it, but I fixed all the ones I found.
- October 19: version 0.4.2 All the known bugs with chapters and their auto-displaying fixed now
- October 19: version 0.4.1 Most known bugs in the chapters auto-display fixed. Other additions include left and right arrow keys in the play window no longer give the alert beep, adding a new chapter automatically starts editing it, and default saving behavior now only saves the movie highlighted in the editing window, with a button to select all edited movies.
- October 17: version 0.3. Minor interface enhancements, about 80% of memory leaks are fixed (and probably a few added). Chapters display automatically when the movies change, but it's quite buggy for now.
- October 15: version 0.2. Added: minimal sound-sync capabilities a la QTMutator (but in obj-c it's soooo much easier than c++, which QTMutator is in). It lets you change the offset of the audio and the length of the video, which should allow you to fix 99% of sound-sync problems. This feature is not possible with MPEG movies, so don't bother. Other bug fixes too.
- October 12: Ok, I now the Open routine searches for mpegs first (based on file name only!) and adds them in the main thread, then breaks off another thread for all other files. So basically, all files will open fine, but if you open a folder with a lot of mpegs, the program will stall for a little while while it opens them. A few other little things were fixed, too. I've decided to call this version 0.1 for no particular reason.
- October 7: The Timer can now be updated dynamically (no restsart required).
- October 6: Apparently threading for opening of files kills my ability to read MPEG files. I will consider adding a separate menu item for MPEG files, and/or checking the file names first and only spawning a new thread for non-MPEGs. But for now MPEG is out. You can make a mov from an MPEG in QTPro.
- October 5: Fixed a bug when the first chapter did not start at zero (all the other chapters would be delayed in the movie by that length). FYI, the first chapter time is now ignored.
Also, you can now drag folders to the application window (I guess you always could, but now their contents will open). I don't know how to get the app's icon to accept folders as a valid file type. You can force it (or any app) to open an item by holding down command and option while dragging to the dock icon.
Also, there is now visual feedback (and the app doesn't just freeze) when opening files. I'm working on the same for saving files, and for loading data when the app launches (if there's a long list, it takes a while to load the movies while the app launches)
- October 3: This history created today. Basic functionality includes reading/editing/sorting/searching metadata, reading/editing/searching chapters, playlist, resizing, saving, saving text (database or chapters). Yesterday I fixed a stupid bug that caused the last chapter to be of a random length, often making the movie longer.

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